TechnoPlus eng. online extensions

Webbasierte Lerneinheiten

aus dem Bereich des Technischen Englisch

King’s Cross

In this unit, you will watch an interview with the lead engineer Simon King, who works for Arup, the company responsible for the lighting design of the new Concourse of London’s King’s Cross station. The following exercises will help you practise your comprehension of the video as well as vocabulary and language structures that are relevant for various areas of Technical English.


Cylinder Deactivation

This unit is based on a video published by Bosch, which provides information on how cylinders may be deactivated while the engine keeps running. It is particularly interesting for learners of English involved in the automotive industry and the mechanical engineering sector.

Inflatable Safety Belts

The video in this unit introduces you to a new safety technology in cars – developed by Ford – that combines the technology of safety belts with that of airbags. Besides video comprehension exercises, you can work on topic-specific vocabulary as well as on the use of adjectives and adverbs and the use of participles in Technical English.

The Next Generation of Wind Power

This unit provides you with both a text and a video on high altitude wind power. They refer in particular to an airborne wind turbine, the so-called BAT, developed by Altaeros -Energies.

Turbines of the Deep

This unit is particularly interesting for learners of English in the renewable energy sector or the field of electrical engineering. The text on which this unit is based informs you about tidal power and various developments in this area.

An Introduction to Smart Grids

The text in this unit provides you with some general information on smart grids. It also explains why smart grids will be needed in the future. The reading comprehension exercises are followed by various vocabulary and grammar exercises that are relevant for this topic.

How Things Work

This unit is based on several texts, all of which provide short explanations of how various different technical devices work. Apart from practising your reading comprehension skills and expanding your technical vocabulary, this unit will especially help you acquire certain language structures that are often used when describing technical devices. Hence, learners of Technical English from all sectors of industry may find this unit both interesting and helpful.

Geothermal Energy

In this unit’s video, you are introduced to the basics of geothermal energy and its uses. The video comprehension exercises as well as the vocabulary and grammar exercises will help you develop your language skills relevant to this topic.