TechnoPlus eng. online extensions

Webbasierte Lerneinheiten

aus dem Bereich des Technischen Englisch

Electric Car Market

The text in this unit is all about statistics relating to the electric car market. Besides practising your reading comprehension skills and expanding your vocabulary, you can mainly work on the language skills needed when describing trends and talking about graphs and charts.

The Shard

The text this unit is based on provides a fairly detailed insight into the construction of The Shard, London’s tallest building. Especially learners of English from the field of architecture and civil engineering might find this unit helpful as it focuses on practising language structures and vocabulary commonly used in these fields.

Numbers and Measurements

This units gives you a useful introduction into a topic relevant for all areas of engineering: numbers, calculations, measurements, dimensions. It is based on an episode on the radio programme Engines of Our Inginuity at the University of Houston/Texas.